This was going to be a comment, but I changed my mind.

Mar 12, 2003 22:20

(I was going to comment, but when I wrote it out it got long enough to be a seperate entry. I won't change it though.)
It's sad, isn't it, that I'm forced to comment on my own entries. Not that I'm going to ask Tanis to comment again... no, we've learned about that, haven't we... (doesn't add 'my preciousss')
Ahem... as I was going to say before I veered into self pity and Gollum impressions... I was going to say... what was I going to say? Oh yes...
I thought that joke was funny. The rest of my class thought it was funny. The teacher thought it was funny too, else he wouldn't have told it to us. True, I did sorta see th epunchline coming a mile away (right when Sam accquired a scheeming expression at Jim's easy getaway from the cop, and again when the cop came up to Sam), even if I was a bit busy trying to convince myself that Sam wasn't about to sproud hariy forearms and rob Jim blind (don't ask... please...). After all, this is a joke, not an urban legend warning against picking up hitch-hikers. When the teacher delivered the punchline (Sam's expression at the end, not something which is easily translated into text), the entire class burst into laughter.
Not that anyone, so far, has come up to me and said, 'That joke sucked' or varations of such (I wish I'd get even that much as comments),and perhaps I'm being a bit prematurely defenseive. (gee, only a bit?)
I'm sure that the one person who reads this will think it's funny... after all, it is funny. And if you're no tthe one person who reads this, leave a comment, please? (I would prefer you avoid the 'this joke sucks' varity, though)


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