this is from a little while ago when be and vanessa went to the park. I posted it because the way I look in it is the way I feel.
My road trip was really really good. I enjoyed the long drive up there. It was probably the most relaxing thing I have done in a really long time. I feel completely rejuvenated after this trip. I found my way to little rock and to the hotel with no problem. The hotel was ghetto as hell I didnt have pillows or towels. My room was smoking..ew. and there were cigarette burns and ash everywhere. Pretty gross but i sucked it up. My day with trevor was amazing. I was really nervous but it turned out good. pretty much as good as I could have imagined. I'm really glad I went. I am so amazingly happy right now, it kind of just hit me. I had so much fun. kasjdkajdkajsdkfjaksdjfkasd