Aug 04, 2004 23:15
I have had an extremely busy week - where do I start. My weekend was pretty much homework Saturday and most of Sunday. I can't believe I stayed in the house that much. I did get out on Sunday and go to dinner at my sister's house. It was great as usual and I enjoy seeing my nephews and their families. My sister has three grandchildren who are also a barrel of laughs. We were told on Sunday that the doctor thought the baby had a heart-murmer. Thankfully, testing this week revealed they were wrong.
It has been a busy week for me work wise. Monday was our real estate meeting and caravan and it turned out to be a long caravan. We went to Middletown, Germantown, Trenton, and Hamilton. That was a little unusual all in one day. While viewing homes, I kept thinking, I really need to start back on homework.
Tuesay, besides school, I showed a couple of houses in between my classes. The schedule gets a little tight, but that is part of my business - when someone is ready to look, I need to be right there. It even took longer as they made an offer on one of the houses. I hope it gets accepted so that we get a contract.
This morning I had a closing on a house. This is the one that had the well problems and should have closed two onths ago. I could not have asked for kinder or more patient buyers. They actually moved in the house a month ago and are very happy with it.
My daughter called tonight several times, very upset, so I took a lot of time to talk with her. That is why I am trying to post so late. My ex-mother-in-law has caused havoc in our family for years and she never stops. For awhile, I thought she had mellowed with age, but I was wrong. She is worse than ever. I think she was been a very disappointed person in the way that her life turned out - she doesn't let go of things that happened 30 years ago - and she still tries to run everyone's life.
I don't ever want to be that kind of person! Yes, life definately has disappointments, but you can't let it turn you into a bitter person.
Have you ever seen people that become so bitter that it seems everything that comes out their mouths is critical. As my aunt says: "They spew venom"!!
Oh well, I'm trying not to think about her anymore tonight. She has kept me tore up my years than I care to mention.
OK, you're tired of hearing me complain so I'll quit - back to homework!!