(no subject)

Jul 19, 2009 17:09


I FUCKING HATE when people write "NAK" (nursing at keyboard, for you non-mommies out there) in their comments or posts on LJ for NO APPARENT FUCKING REASON.

You are NOT a special snowflake of NAKing. You are NOT going to get a star for it. And you know what? I DON'T FUCKING CARE if you are doing it, and I'm willing to bet NO ONE ELSE does either.

Um, if you're curious as to what sparked this mini-rant, it was THIS comment in babywearing:

i used mine w/dd1 until she was 3, and still use it w/dd2, 18 months. I have a maya and a sakura bloom, but my ultimate fave is my heart2heart. not super pretty, but so sturdy and comfy.

PLEASE tell me WHY THE HELL it's necessary to let us know this? Do you want some fucking brownie points? Am I going to take your comment more seriously being you're currently nursing your kid at the keyboard? NO!


rant mcrant rant

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