A story about love!

Oct 05, 2005 19:08

It's really scary when you see McGonagall confiscate your cauldron full of....and then procede to...Well, she said I couldn't mention what I had in my possession anymore so to make a long story short: I was disturbed.

And, you know, you shouldn't be doing Potions homework when you're...because I don't think this is what Snape had in mind:

Once upon a time, there was a book who fell in love with it's bookmark. They were so perfect for each other, they got married and was packaged up for their honeymoon trip. Unfortunately, on their way at sea, the ship sprung a leak and sank. Fortunately, there was a pink dolphin and he ate the two up...to save them of course, but dolphins don't usually eat books and bookmarks.

Meanwhile, in a far off land (but not really far), there was an evil Ruler. Stroking his 6 inch mark, he laughed evilly as he watched the ship sank. He was hopelessly in love with the book and had planned to wow the story book with his massive tallness. He wasn't an ordinary Ruler. He was 18 inches! Swinging his magic wand, he turned a candle into bird and told it to do something really important but it's been irrelevant to the story because as soon as the bird flew out the window, it was suddenly shot by a glue gun! The Russian Doll had heard of her lover's evil plot and heartbroken, she knew she must stop it! But unfortunately (or fortunately, I don't know anymore), the dolphin had bad indigestion and threw the two up onto the sand. Seeing what happened to the bird, the book threw a rock at the Russian Doll and knocked her out. A doctor happened to be nearby, however, and he rushed to the rescue, putting the Russian Doll back together again. When she woke up, she fell in love with the doctor and they skipped into the sunset, listening to their CD player.

The Ruler, thinking he was quite cunning, started to drink his afternoon tea in victory, when suddenly a pine corn fell on his thin head. "The sky is falling!" He proclaimed and he quickly grabbed his flashlight and stretched out, preparing for Armageddon.

As for the two lovers, thanks to book's room spray scenet, the bookmark happily found his way back to his pages.


Too late now, I guess.
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