Jun 13, 2006 01:57
"Too often, we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring -- all of which have the potential to turn a life around."
- Leo Buscaglia
often times i hear people saying that they want to change one life. to make an impact on someone. that if they could just change someone's life, even once make their day, that they would die happy. that if they knew they had changed someone else's life, then their life would be complete. they just want to know that they've touched at least one person. what they don't realize is that all it takes, really, is a word, a smile, or even the simplest act of kindness to do that. to touch someone.
i just want everyone to know that each and every person i've come in contact with ever in my life has helped shape and mold me to who i am today. you may not realize it, but you are part of a bigger plan than you could ever imagine. it's called God's plan, and part of His plan, apparently, was to make an impact on me. an impression. to touch me. and not just me, but everyone else you come in contact with. i cannot tell you how many people i admire in so many different ways: the person's wisdom, courage, spiritual gifts, humor, attitude, optimism, and encouragement. there are also those people who i did not necessarily admire, but have still learned from. i learned from their actions and attitudes: the way they talked, or even the way they laughed. again, each and every person made a different impression on me.
there are three people in particular who made a huge impact on me this past week at camp. they will remain nameless, because i know they are not looking for credit. and if they read this, they'll know that i'm talking about them. the first person is a beautiful speaker. she crafts words together so magnificently that inside my soul's eyes water from the beauty of her poetry. it just amazes me so much how she has been so blessed by God to so articulately share her thoughts with others. and she's so wise. i just admire her so much.
the second person has just evolved into this stunning young man that i admire so much now. he has changed so rapidly and been broken down so much by God, only praying to be further broken by Him. i've never seen this change in anyone before, and it astounds me just how God can move in people like this if only people let Him. i have started praying for this guy everyday since camp started. i can see great things for this guy and i'm so proud of what he's letting God do through him.
the third person was basically unknown to me before he spoke up in front of everyone at camp. i believe that he, too, is broken for God and there will be amazing changes happening to him this summer, if only he remembers to let God do that. he has gone through so many things, yet he's opened himself up so much and learned so much in such a short amount of time that it's captivating and breath-taking to watch him change, like person #2.
now all of these people have probably had no idea prior to reading this that they made even a slight impression in my life. but now, because of person #1, i am focusing on trying to encourage others. i am trying to be more optimistic, but realistic at the same time. because of person #2, i am more stirred to read the Word of God, to let Him change me, and to spread the Gospel. because of person #3, i want to be more sensitive to the troubles and burdens that others bear. i want to help and get more connected to others. because of these three fantastic creations, i am changed as a person. and hopefully, this summer will bring even more changes.