My heart is so heavy..
The dear
sabonai posted on another site that in a local high school in her state would be picketing the showing of The Laramie Project.
Some of the things are being said about Matthew Shepard are this:
"Showing this tacky piece of fag propaganda will encourage them to experience with the lifestyle that will destroy their body, damn their soul and doom their nation. Our message to this last generation of doomed americans is DO NOT LIVE LIKE MATTHEW SHEPARD! If you do, you will die like him and spend eternity in hell where the worm that eats on you will never die and the fire is never quenched."
"A fag propaganda play about Matt Shepard. He has been in hell for 12 years now. Judy Shepard raised her son to be a disobedient drug using pervert, and God cut that child off. His blood is on her hands! From that day to this Judy Shepard has spent all her resources on teaching the young people of this nation the same rebellion that caused God to cut off her own son - and makes a hefty profit off of it! Shame on her for making money off of a child who is dead at her hands! Run from the lies told in this play - your never dying soul depends upon it! You will join Matt in hell if you follow/believe in these lies. Your destruction is imminent! Obey or Perish!"
"WBC will picket those attending the production of The Laramie Project at West Liberty University where the youth of this nation are being taught that God is a liar. This university is promoting filthy sodomite sin!"
"God killed Matthew Shepard for his proud disobedeince and he has been burning in Hell for 12 years now - with eternity left to go."
It makes me sick.
Believe what you want. I'm not here to judge. I have friends who are very conservative, very liberal, very religious, and very non-religious. But there is respect among us. I can absolutely be friends with people with vast differences of opinion, but I cannot tolerate hatred. And that is what this is.
If I have friends on here who disagree with me, I give you permission to cut me loose, because I will not waver on this one. This is pure evil.
When I turned 18 I began working at a local gay bar in my town of Fort Collins CO, The Tornado Club. As there were no gay clubs in Laramie, and that Fort Collins was a mere stone's throw away, around half of our patrons where from WY. I worked there for several years off and on. The money was crap and I cleaned up vomit, but I loved that job with every fiber in me. The people I met were some of the most beautiful souls I've ever come to know. One of them was Matthew Shepard. Within a few months of meeting him, he was violently taken from this world. It was absolutely gut wrenching. The bar that weekend was filled to the maximum with people who loved him, who cried into the flames of the candles they held. When he died, it was never the same. Sure, we all knew that violent acts like this occur all over the place, all the time, but having it happen to one of our own was something that I just can't explain. Every year from that point on we held a vigil for him. He was just one person who was terrorized and murdered because of who he loved. We all changed and grew from that experience, and we continue to do so.
When I was pregnant with Tate,
mezdeathhead and I paid out the nose to attend the Cyndi Lauper show at Red Rocks put on by the Human Rights League in honor of Matthew Shepard. It was wonderful, beautiful, and heartbreaking. Not a dry eye in the house when she talked about him and a slide show of him playing on the big screen in the background. It was enough to tear me apart. What held me together was seeing all of these gay couples holding each other, kissing, holding hands, and loving one another. It was what Matthew wanted; to be out in the open, allowed to love who he loved. Seeing all the couple's there with all the love and peace in the air, made me really feel like Matthew was up there smiling on us all. Having my little Tate occupying my womb in that loving environment filled me with such joy.
Love is Love.