Stolen from the lovely
lovediscomfort 5 Bands/Musicians You’ve Been Listening to A Lot Lately
2) M.I.A.
3) Lady Gaga
4) Leonard Cohen
5) Bad Religion
5 Things You’re Addicted To
1) Coffee
2) Food
3) Cooking
4) Movies
5) Buying books (I'm right there with you on that one, Rachel!)
5 Favorite Celebrities
1) Cillian Murphy
2) Lady Gaga
3) Andrew VanWyngarden
4) Bret Michaels
5) Ellen DeGeneres
5 Things You Hate That Everyone Seems to Like
1) Shrimp
2) Kevin Bacon
3) Twilight(!)
4) Tea
5) Rare cooked meat
5 Things That Could Be Found in Your Room
1) Books
3) lotion
4) chapstick
5) blankies
5 Movies You’ve Seen So Many Times You Can Recite Them
1) The Wizard Of Oz
2) Rosemary's Baby
3) Steel Magnolia's
4) Charlotte's Web - the old skool cartoon
5) Dead Alive
5 TV Shows You’ve Seen Every Episode Of
1) Six Feet Under (over and over)
2) The L Word
3) Twin Peaks
4) My So Called Life
5) Jersey Shore
5 Favorite Songs of the Moment
1) Indie Rokkers- MGMT
2) Hallelujah- Leonard Cohen
3) Always Be Here- Dane Rumble
4) Sail- Awolnation
5) Bad Romance- Gaga
Put Your itunes on Shuffle - List the First 5 Songs That Come Up
1) Paper Planes- M.I.A.
2) Fallen Angel- Poison
3) Just One Fix- Ministry
4) Antichrist Superstar- Marilyn Manson
5) Superstar- Sonic Youth