bits and bobs...

Sep 08, 2005 09:13

I am, at the very least, a bit more cheerful today than I was yesterday.  Joshua brought home papers yesterday, and they were all "decent".  One C -- the rest were A's and B's.  That was a good thing.  Both boys had a bunch of homework yesterday -- Josh had more than Matt, primarily because Josh has a band meeting tonight, plus choir, so he won't have time to complete anything due on Friday.  He has to turn in a rough draft of his Amphibian report on Friday to be checked, and he hadn't started it as of yesterday (he had the research, just nothing written).  Yeah...he didn't budget very well (report was assigned two weeks ago).

Matt is doing remarkably well with most of his assignments.  He has a ton of work to do, but he can do most on his own, with very little help.  The one subject he's having issues in is Social Studies and it has to do with Maps and Map reading.  He can't get the N-S-E-W concept down.  And we've been also working on Latitude/Longitude Northern/Southern hemisphere and Eastern/Western Hemisphere.  The last about threw me for a complete loop.  I'm looking at this map thinking, "huh? I don't remember this."  I'm going to try to find some map activities on the 'net and have his tutor work with him on it.  He has everything completely backwards.

On a good note, he did really well practicing his spelling words (usually a dreadful subject for him), and he did really well studying for his vocabulary test.  Last week, Joshua aced his spelling pretest, so he didn't have to take the final test.  He has his pretest today, and we are hoping he aces this one, so he doesn't have to take the final on Friday.  He is a really good speller, so I would imagine he'll take very few final tests this year for spelling.

Today is the start of the school choir.  I have two in it this year.  Matt has decided to join, too. It meets an hour after school on Thursdays. Band starts in fifth grade, so Josh wants to join.  He and Mike will be going to the band meeting tonight and finding out the details.

I've got my hpgw_otp  number challenge written and back from aggiebell90. I hope to get it ready to post either today or tomorrow.  I did two of them, and may just go ahead and post both (I had only one number).  I hope to work on a couple other stories I've got brewing.

children, writing, fandom, school

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