Oct 23, 2010 10:15

He blogged shortly after I went to bed.... +___+  FAIL.

"Nemuri Kyoshiro Osaka Play Safely Completed!!! Relieved. Filming in Kyoto Completed" Edition

He's leaving for Tokyo, and sounds relieved and happy.
Apparently even he had the homing instinct.

The play kept evolving all the way to the end.
He's amazed by the growth Taya's shown as an actor, and appreciates his antics as a factor that contributed to creating the good atmosphere of the NK stage.

One of the gifts he got from his fans during the Osaka run.
American textbook on "World Studies: Foundations of Geography".
The page on Japan.... In the picture of Shibuya...
Well, see for yourself by going to gacktblog.com.

Chacha and You came to see the stage, and then they went fishing the next day.
He was apparently very impressed with this goofing-around-not-doing-anything day,
so much so that he'll be taking one day out of each month for doing nothing or just having plain fun,
so that his spirit won't become damaged.

Since Angie didn't stop crying ever since Dolce died, and his niece kept crying, and his sister suggested it,
GACKT adopted 3 more puppies. *cough*
You can see their adorable video and pics on gacktblog.com.

He also renovated his garage at home while he was away, and wants to show it off to the fans soon,
so stay tuned.

source: http://gackt.com/gacktblog/?p=100

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English translation by amaiakuyume  here.  Thanks a bunch!!

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