Alright, we are at #5, so here ya go hope you enjoy and of course a random hottie if you don't like, but I would go see a shrink if that was the case!! (or maybe get your sight checked)
#5 Eric Dane
from Grey's Anatomy
Yes, that is right, I have a big thing for McSteamy, I mean, HOLY FRICK! In my opinion, he is so steamy he could fog up womens glasses on the street just by walking by them! His voice is pretty great too! Love him when he was on Charmed and hello, what could make a McSteamy fan happier than multiples of him on X-Men. So here is the Steamy eye candy!!
And here we go, these are my fave!! I love the B&W (if you couldn't tell) and these are just gorgeous I think!
And the random hottie if you don't think Eric is Steamy!
Alright, that is my #5, tell my what you think!! :)