47 icons BTVS. (OMWF, Buffy Summers, Dawn Summers)
Round 1 nostalgia20in20 Claim: Buffy Episode "Once More With Feeling" Category: Art Movement: Color Field Painting "Color field painting marks a major development in abstract painting, since it was the first style to resolutely avoid the suggestion of a form or mass standing out against a background. Instead, figure and ground are one, and the space of the picture, conceived as a field, seems to spread out beyond the edges of the canvas."
10 THEMES big text crush eyes faceless group
lost red roun. corne. support void
CATEGORY - Color Field Painting One. Two. Three. Four. Five.
ARTIST'S CHOICE one. two. three. four. five.
Roumd 2 btvsats20in20 Claim: Buffy Summers + Season 4 Second Claim: Dawn Summers + Season 7
10 Themes HairPorn Guess Who Plus One Second Claim Hands