Orange Chocolate Bark - Because It's Just so Bleedin Easy

Nov 16, 2010 01:50

Ever had one of those it's late, the only place open is the gas station, and frankly I don't want to get off my nice comfy couch because my favorite show of the moment is rockin on the TV but I want a candy bar damnit! moments? Yeah, me too. Had one last night as a matter of fact.

Ever had one of those lovely dark chocolate oranges that you whack really hard before opening and then you peel the wrapper and it breaks apart into lovely sections reminiscent of an actual orange? I'm never quite certain if the chocolate or the release that comes with pounding it against something repeatedly is more satisfying.

I ask, because last night I found a way to combine the two...
Well without the satisfying whacking part.

You see, I love chocolate bark... it's the easiest thing on earth to make, and like most civilized members of the human race, I keep chocolate chips in my home at all times. With bark all you have to have is chocolate chips & the mix in of your choice... usually nuts of some sort.

Last night I went to the baking cabinet and took at good look through my supplies, to my horror I realized that all I had was the chocolate chips - no mix ins. Dejected I shut the cabinet and turned to my wife about to announce that we were going to have to forgoe chocolate (I don't do plain chocolate I have to have mix ins... yeah I know, I'm spoiled.)

That's when it hit me - orange extract! We had orange extract and dark chocolate chips in the cabinet... Orange Chocolate Bark! I tossed everything together and in half an hour (about 2 minutes of which was prep) we ate like chocolate princesses.

Want the recipe? Easiest thing ever.

Dark Chocolate Chips
Orange Extract

Melt chocolate in microwave
mix in orange extract to taste
spread over well greased surface
shove in freezer
wait half an hour

That's it, start to finish... I love chocolate bark.

snack, semi homemade, chocolate, quick, candy

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