I'm SO excited to see Max, you have no idea. Great Googly Moogly! Half of my day is just waiting till it's around 7:30-8:00PM over there. He'd better pass his drug test so I can see him. (Yeah yeah. He smokes weed.) You know that They're saying now that smoking weed may actually prevent lung cancer because the THC kills off your aging cells, so they won't mutate. (
sweetenedup posted it and I stoled it from her :) )
Tomorrow is my last day of school. I have my English, Spanish, and Science Finals tomorrow. Today I had my Geometry and Art finals. The Theater Final was the play I was in.
I was reading "Angus, Thongs, And Full Frontal Snogging" in Art after I was done with the final and I was laughing of course. A few people looked at me funny and this one boy asked me "Do you just sit there and laugh at your book all of the time?" I told him "Yessiree Bob!" and continued reading. That's not his name by the way. (Bob that is) That kid laughed at me a lot actually. It's alright though because I was trying to be funny and that meant I succeeded.
My old and trusty MP3 player is being tempermental. It just randomly pauses. The battery's full and everything. I have to take it out and put it back in for it to work every time it happens though.
So here's some pictures of my favorite tree. I seriously took 20 pictures of it during camping. (There isn't 20 here though. Only 6)
Blah, these are the good ones.
Next time, Sunsets and Sunrise.