Sorry it took me so long to get you good folks an update, time has been tight lately.
I'm feeling much better, thanks for the vibes. I've only had to hit the pain pills once in the last week or so, not counting provoking the Damned Stone while moving stuff. This is good. Not so good is the fact that I don't think I've passed it yet. The urologist said that if I don't pass it naturally within a few weeks, they may have to go in after it. With a telescoping claw-device. through the urethra.
I'll give my male audience a moment to stop wincing and crossing their collective legs.
Moving went as well as could be expected. I had to round up some additional people to help, since I couldn't really carry heavy objects up three flights of stairs courtesy of the Hell-Rock. I had one terrifying moment of vertigo when I couldn't figure out how far I was from the ground while trying to dismount from the back of the moving truck (damn pain pills), but the only casualty of the move was one of the legs on the kitchen table. A C-clamp and some wood glue will show that sum'bitch, though.
Still need to finish getting the new place in order, but I'm hoping to have a combined birthday and housewarming party on the 15th. If you're reading this, chances are you're invited. I'll post the new address and phone number as soon as I cobble together a suitable Friends Filter.
Now, what you're all here to see: The pictures!
The Loooooove Seat!
The armchair and one end of the couch. Dudes, this couch is enormous. It's more than long enough for me to stretch out on, and I'm a Giant Mutant.
Fat Bob, chillin' like a villain.
Fat Bob, Lord and Master of the living room.
The Other Cat, Vermin, overwhelmed by the sheer fabulousness.
I told you that one day you would all worship my living room set. Now, puny mortals, you will pay for your insulin!