Though writers are generally seen to be the ones huddled away in a corner at social events, either muttering away to themselves or playing the part of the cool recluse, here we do not restrain ourselves to overdone cliches! Even if we do fit the mold, everyone needs a friend. (And love, if the Beatles have anything to say about it.) So pull up a chair, recliner, coffee-shop stool and relax for a bit, maybe you'll pull away knowing a new face or two among the crowd. (The crowd is all very imaginary, mind. Here's looking out for the paranoid. ;)
The Essentials:Name:
The Writing:
(If you do not write, leave this section blank or erase it.)Your Favorite Genre to Write:
Strengths (characterization, dialogue, plot, description, etc):
Weakness (characterization, dialogue, plot, description, etc):
Current Project (if you have one):
Are You Looking For a Critiquing Buddy?:
If You Write Fanfiction, What Fandoms Do You Inhabit:
The Great Loves:Films You Can't Get Enough Of:
Books You've Worn the Covers Off Of:
Artists Who's Melodies Stay In Your Head:
The Details:What Do You Post at Your Journal?:
Do You Have a Writing Comm:
Do You Have a Specific Friending Policy:
Anything Else:
Pimp Code!" src="" style="border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-top-style: solid; border-right-style: solid; border-bottom-style: solid; border-left-style: solid; " width="400" >
's Writers and Others Friending Meme! Join in" href="">