I live. Somewhat.

Mar 16, 2004 10:55

Full Name: Daniel Louis somethingorother.
Home town: Salt Lake City, Utah
When's your b-day: January 25.

~~~~~Your Looks~~~~~
Hair Color: Dark-or-light brown.
Eye Color: Blue.
Height: 5'10". WHY WON'T I GROW.
Do you wear contacts or glasses: Contacts.
Do you have any piercings: Nuthin'.
Do you wear any rings: A lovely silver one on my right middle finger.
What shoes do you wear: My black gym shoes.

~~~~~Just Lately~~~~~
How are you today?: Estoy cansado porque tuve que hacer mi tarea ayer durante la noche.
What pants are you wearing: Camo pants!
What shirt are you wearing: A black Cowboy Bebop t-shirt.
What does your hair look like at the moment: Parted in the middle, gelled messily, needing a haircut.
What song are you listening to right now: None.
What was the last thing you ate: An apple and an orange.
How is the weather right now: Sunny and warm.
What time is it: 10:58 AM. Ten minutes to finish.

~~~~~More about you~~~~~
What are the last four digits of your phone: HA!
If you were a crayon what color would you be: Greenish purple.
Have you ever almost died: Six times, all before I was six. Go me!
Do you like the person that sent this to you?: Maaaybe...
What makes you happy: Sugar and fat.
What's the next CD you are going to buy: *thinks*
What's the best advice ever given to you: "Never accept ABC gum."
Do/Done drugs: Nope.
What sport do you hate the most: Football.
How many TV's do you have in your house: Three.
Do you have your own phone line: No.
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: I wish I did...
Have you ever broke a bone?: Nevah.
Who do you tell your dreams to: Everyone!
Who's the loudest friend: Hmm...probably Nick or Heidi.
Who is the quietest friend: Suhko.

~~~~~You and Love~~~~~
Do you believe in love: Yes.
Do you have a crush: Not at the moment.
Who is your crush: I feel pretty, oh so pretty...
Do you believe in love at first sight?: Yes, indeedy. Happens all the time in Mormonville.
What song(s) do you want played at your wedding? "The reason."

Boxers of Briefs: You can't stop me!
Long or short hair: You can't.
Curly or straight: Really.
Tall or short: It's true.
Six pack or muscular arms: Free agency.
Good or Bad Boy: It's a terrible thing, really.
Hat or no hat: If you abuse it, of course.
Ears pierced or not: Sometimes I hate it.
Tan or fair: It tends to get me in trouble.
Dimples: Lots of trouble.
Stubble or clean shaven: Addiction, misery, stress...
Rugged or sporty: And that's just from not doing my homework.
Studly or cutie: I'm not sure where addiction came from, though.
Glasses: It doesn't matter.
Smart or dumb: Free agency!
What sport should he play: Use it well.
Accent or no accent: I feel pretty, oh so pretty...

~~~~~~~~GUYS FILL OUT ONLY~~~~~~~~~~
Regular or thong undies: Um.
Painted nails or not: I like the pretty colors.
Bra or no bra: Um.
Bra straps showing or not showing: Um.
Dressy or casual: Casual!
Curly or Straight hair: Curly hair is fun.
Dark, light, or cool and crazy eyes: Crazy eyes!
Hat or no hat: No hat.
Hair up or down: Down.
Jewelry or not: I like earrings and rings. Pretty!
Tall or short: Shorter than me. >.>
Accent or no accent: Accent!
Pants or dress: Dress.
Tan or fair: Fair.

~~~~~Pick this or that~~~~~
Lights on/off: Off.
Mickey D's or Burger King: McD's.
What are most of your dreams about? Something that happened earlier or I'm planning on doing.
What is your favorite arcade game? DDR!
Do you wish on stars? Yep.
Which finger is your favorite? Pinky!
What do you think about the person who sent this to you? Wuv u!
Do you like your handwriting? No way.
What is your favorite lunch meat? Chicken!
Any bad habits? Nosepicking. HA!
do you have any embarassing cds on your shelf? ...
If you were another person, would you be friends with you? No way. I'm too annoying.
Are you a daredevil? Apparently.
Do looks matter? In the short-term, yes.
What is your biggest turn on? A table. With blue legs. And gum stuck to the bottom.
Who do you miss most right now? Everyone.
Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow: I hope so.
Do fish have feelings? No, they forget how to emote three seconds after figuring it out.
How many people have a secret crush on YOU right now? Nope.
How do you release anger? Go to my room and sulk.
Where is your second home? The school.
Do you trust others easily? Maaaybe.
What was your favorite toy as a child? Blocks! And cars! And sand! And water!
What class in school do you think is totally useless which you sleep in? Chemistry.
Are you in love with anyone? Nope.
What's your favorite color? Purple.
What is your least favorite thing in the world? Poop.
Have you ever been on radio or television or the newspaper? Yes. All three.
What's your favorite thing to do when your sad or depressed? Sulk.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Yes, and I have tea with Queen Mary on her private yacht and chat with the fishes and Ms. Price.
Have you ever been in a mosh pit? No.
What are your nicknames? Dan, Daniel, Jesus, Fancypants.
Would you bungee jump? Yeah!
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? They are specifically designed so that I don't have to expend the effort. Duh.
What are you worried about right now?: SCHOOL BELL.
Anything else you want to add? MUST GO.
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