Age: 17
Height: imdb says 5'4"
Weight: no idea
Medical Info: Normal healthy teenage girl.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Physical traits: Tiny little waist, big boobs, and ridiculous yet hot late 90s outfits. She also has a tattoo on the upper right of her back, which can be seen when she wears strappy things.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: If you're worried about it just ask me. I am almost always in IRC as Cher or reachable via alienhuntergirl at gmail.
Abilities: Can walk in four inch heels and ridiculous wedges. That is totally a super power.
Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: So this one time she accidentally killed one of her best girl friends and covered it up. She's probably not thinking of it and if you want your psychic/whatever character to make a thing of it maybe ask first because that's a whole can of batshittery I don't necessarily want to open straight off.
She's probably thinking of sex.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Ask first.
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: She won't have you maimed for it but if you're worried, just ask if it's cool.
Maim/Murder/Death: No.
Cooking: Not likely. Also, Courtney doesn't eat in public. She will not eat in front of you. All her eating happens in private.
I am
thawrecka when I'm at home.
I play Courtney and Rictor
Contact Methods: IRC as Cher (but I have Courtney and Rictor on ping in Chatzilla), gmail address mentioned above, my msn/aim/yahoo names are in the profile of my other LJ.
Timezone and Scheduling Issues: East coast of Australia which I think is GMT+10, plus I get up at 6am for work so I tend to want to go to sleep by 10pm.
Posting/Jumping/Thread-Dropping: Jump at will. I will basically drop a thread when I can't think of what to say any more. I love the epic thread scroll. Feel free to have shippy spam in my posts because I find the lj notifs entertaining. That means you, ItaNeji.
Comfort Levels: I think that's all covered by the stats/permissions.
Concrit/OOC issues: by the concrit comm, pref. Otherwise by email. I expect I will accidentally use Australian spelling and terminology more than I'd like.
Goals: Be awesome.
Beta-ing: I am hopeless at it. Best to ask someone else.
I work full time, study full time, have a really large LJ friendslist and a semi-active social life so I may or may not be busy at any given time.