Why am I up this early?

Aug 09, 2012 07:39

Okay, it's been forever since I posted. Reason? Probably a combination of work being INSANE, putting in extra hours, never being able to say no to the community theatre, and the cottage. Cottage = no internet (or phone, or television). Cottage also means that I get up at 6 even though I don't have work until 8:30. Oh well, gives me some time to write these little posts.

Don't have a lot of time, so I'll need to make this a quick post. The main thing I wanted to post was about something which I've been doing since mid-March, but I have never actually posted about. My old roommate and I did this healthy living challenge and I've been keeping it up since I moved home. At the start of which I was around 230lbs (give or take) and as of today I'm 189lbs. I'm not focusing on weight (because that gets depressing and then you can get a bit too obsessed with numbers) but it's a good indicator that what I'm doing is working. Anyway, I was super psyched and thought I would just post that little tidbit.

Now I need to run and finish getting ready for work! 


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