Jan 06, 2011 22:06

Hello, hometrail! This is a huge plot-relevant post, so sit down, buckle up, and read everything.

We are still in the Southbarrow Mountains, nearing the peaks itself as we come closer and closer to Fort Hood. It's a curiously sturdy fortress, with high walls on all sides and iron gating on the north side being its only entrance. All around Fort ( Read more... )

*important, event, etc, *modpost, !announcement

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Sorry this took so long. Clowns were eating me. (I had to beat them off with a chainsaw...) justice_by_coma January 10 2011, 21:58:27 UTC
See? That one I can come to a clear decision on~♥ Oh you made this nice and easy. How lovely~

Changing randomly in the room is probably out because of the roomie situation.
I mean...dang. You're hungry, looking for a bite to eat, wander into a room where there's jock filet mignion, and nerd frozen burger, and you pick sucking on the nerd? Even if it's a contest of blood types or something, jeez. I don't really see it. Not if it's a contest of what meat you want on your plate for dinner, and even then, during the day Gau's usually not in his room which would just add to the problem of logistics about tenfold.

And as for the forest?
Well...even Gau probably isn't stupid enough to wander into one on his own considering what happened when he popped into the world in the first place, right? He knows firsthand that it's dangerous and filled with "wolves", even if his intuition here would be a little twisted and off-target. I can't give him a legit reason in my head to want to go back in without any backup at least. It kind of lacks strategy, and probably assumes an essential gothic romanticism that Gau really really lacks. So that also brings in other characters, and the logistics problem thereof.

So for either of those, unless I could find groupies to receive the kiss of death with, it seems like a null. And either way, you'd have to have a pretty ballsy vamp to take on multiple people.

So, Fort Hood seems like a good option.

I can find legitimate reson for him to poo-poo the local advice about not walking around at night without a chainmail coif around your neck, and wolfsbane in your pocket, there, plus it has a hunting-and-cornering dynamic which seperates Gau from possible help and allies, and totally keys in on the innate past-angst drama. I know. I sound like such a jerk putting it that way. FSSSS.

It's literally the best (and nastiest) way for him to get picked off. All alone.

Uhm. I'm not a Twilight nice!vampire person, I'll put it that way. None of this "you smell good. We should make sparkling babies." crap for me. Gau's physically weak, and a lot of his character is bent around hiding or distorting that. A situation like this would make a definite mark on him, because it emphasizes that weakness and forces it back into his mind. qustion I should ask since there are a billion different versions of vampires out there and the stories differ?
How's the change going? Epidemic style where you drink the blood and every corpe eventually turn into a vamp, or Siring where there's blood swappage?

Possibly a dumb question, but hopefully valid since I've got to write and entry where one uptight nerd wakes up disoriented with a killer hickey and I seem to jump in with the assumptions sometimes without meaning to.


Re: Sorry this took so long. Clowns were eating me. (I had to beat them off with a chainsaw...) bycitylights January 10 2011, 21:59:53 UTC
Re: Sorry this took so long. Clowns were eating me. (I had to beat them off with a chainsaw...) justice_by_coma January 10 2011, 22:06:34 UTC
See? I show back up late to the party, and you've already answered everything.

Clearly this is why I love this place. The sexual harrassment's just a bonus.

So I'll go take care of that right now. *slinks off*


Re: Sorry this took so long. Clowns were eating me. (I had to beat them off with a chainsaw...) nonplayers January 10 2011, 22:07:45 UTC


Re: Sorry this took so long. Clowns were eating me. (I had to beat them off with a chainsaw...) justice_by_coma January 10 2011, 22:16:40 UTC


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