Sep 12, 2007 13:27
Dear Associate of the Quarter,
The company would like it's money back. The award you received last quarter was obviously undeserved. I've been getting calls all week while you're calling out sick, saying you haven't done this, that and the other thing. I'd like to point out that half the stuff they're calling about is 4 months over due, and was supposed to come back to me, and not to you. Why do you insist on keeping my Fedex packages in your office? Who the hell nominated your coke-snorting ass for the award everyone in this office except you deserves, and what possessed them do to so?
By the way, we've been keeping a list of your offenses over the last year in the hopes of showing it to the boss and having you fired. The fact that you won this award makes us resent you like no one else, and for me personally, I have a newfound dislike from the far reaches of my soul for you. Oh, and I don't enjoy having to root through your pig-sty of a desk in order to find what I need to fix your mistakes and complete things you promised to complete, months ago. Funny how when you're not here, people call me and yell at me for the things you didn't do, and I'm not licensed to do, and therefore can't fix the issue.
So thanks, for making my day a living hell because you can't be bothered to let me know when you have a package addressed to me, but instead open it, throw the envelope away, then hide the contents underneath a half-eaten peanut-butter sandwich that's been sitting in your drawer so long it's growing hair longer than mine.
Oh, and the boss wants me to train with you, so I can take up some of your load, and stop the company from being dead in the water when you call out after your "bowling night".
No love, Moi.