Lost in Space for scifi_muses

Aug 18, 2008 11:46

Character: Aeryn Sun
Fandom: Farscape
Rating: G
Word Count: 447
Prompt: You're in a room with plastic glowing stars on the ceiling scifi_muses
Setting: Season 4 Farscape, when the crew of Moya are on Earth.

Lost in Space


She heard John’s voice as he called her from the depths of the house. She thought about answering him, but it was just so peaceful lying on the floor in the little room that had belonged to his sister Olivia.

Aeryn tilted her head to the side, trying to find her location on the glowing array of stars on the ceiling. She knew that Moya had come a very long way to get to Earth, so she wasn’t surprised that the constellations made no sense to her. With the three dimensional aspect of space there really was no way that they could. But that didn’t keep the prowler pilot from trying to find just one link back home.

She knew that Crichton was trilled to be back on Earth, visiting with his family and friends. Even she’d had fun getting into trouble with the others as they’d tried to stay under cover and away from the authorities. Aeryn was lucky. She looked human. Chiana faked it well enough, but for the others it was afternoons watching the television and eating cop porn.

“There you are,” John said as he sank down onto the floor besides her. The back of his knuckles brushed against hers, making Aeryn resist the urge to entwine her fingers with his. “Rygel has decided that he’s the expert on human civilization now. He is demanding his chance to talk to the President.”

“Oh that would go over well,” she said with a laugh. “I can see it now. Rygel in front of your leaders, who are all now speaking with high pitched voices because he’s farted up a storm, while he tells them the Dominar’s way to glory.”

“That’s about it.” John rolled over onto his side, tucking a lock of her ebony hair behind her ear. “So what are you doing in here?”

“Trying to figure out where we are.”

“You’re in my little sister’s former bedroom. My dad keeps it like this so the grandkids can stay here.” John followed her gaze to look up at the stars. “Oh. You won’t be able to find anything there Aeryn. Dad just stuck those up there. It used to drive me nuts that he didn’t do at least a single constellation right not even the Big Dipper. Are you homesick?”

“Home never had a fixed sky for me, Crichton. I’ve always lived on one space ship or another. It is rather strange to look up into the same sky every night.” She turned to face him and smiled. “Are you happy to be home?”

“Yeah, it’s nice. But I think I miss bein’ on Moya too. It’s kind of boring down here.”


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