Lesser Lifeforms - scifi_muses

Sep 01, 2008 12:27

Character: Aeryn Sun
Fandom: Farscape
Rating: G
Word Count: 320
Prompt: "This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship" scifi_muses
Setting: Season 1 - Exodus from Genesis

Lesser Lifeforms

The underside of her hair was still damp as Aeryn made her way slowly to Moya’s viewing deck. She didn’t know if the wetness was from the sweat of the heat delirium or the cold shower that Zhaan had held her in while trying to cool her. Pausing, Aeryn leaned against one of Moya’s golden curved passageways while she caught her breath. Alone, she didn’t have to pretend that all was right with her world mentally or physically.

She shuddered as the bitter taste of almost succumbing to the Living Death spread across her tongue. With a hand that thankfully no longer shook, she made sure that no tears were falling over her face. Someone might come along and see her in a moment of weakness. They’d seen enough of that since the Drak had come on board.

Stars kept back by a thin force field were spread across the horizon as Aeryn stepped onto the patio deck. The bright sun that brought the Drak life and had nearly killed her, safely kept at bay. She wrapped her arms around herself and took several deep breaths trying to calm the churning thoughts in her head.

Chunks of her memory were gone, lost in the scalding heat of her synapses. But it wasn’t the lost memories that were troubling her. It was the feelings that were growing stronger every arn she spent among these people. No not people, creatures, she reminded herself.

Crichton and D’argo had both given their word that they would kill her if the Living Death couldn’t be stopped. She knew that Crichton would never be able to do it. He was too weakened by the compassion his human heart carried but Ka D’argo. She had no doubt that he would have ended her life, and it would not have been because he hated Peacekeepers. It would be because he was her friend.

“Oh how did that happen?”


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