OOC Reference - Events & CR

Jun 05, 2011 15:31

arrival - 6/12 : Rainbow sheep.
6/19-6/26 : Torrential rains.

fairesthero: Zack Fair. FF7 world. Deceased. What the hell. Talked on feeds 6/6/11, said that no other Turks are present, has been here one year, about Adstring, bars present, about Sephiroth being sane?! Reno told him about Cloud being a pretty good guy after all, which Zack apparently knew.

argentimperator: Sephiroth. FF7 world. What the crap, seriously. Takled on feeds 6/6/11, said that no direct supervisors are present, APPARENTLY IS FROM THE PAST AND SANE. He said his last mission was to Nibelheim to get some stolen equipment, that Animus can rewrite memories.

ff_red_turk: Vincent Valentine. FF7 world. Talked briefly on feeds 6/6/11. What the hell.

capuletnomore: Young woman named Juliet Montague. Met on feeds 6/6/11, said info about Adstring, no one in charge save Animus, bi-weekly events.

unreadability: Young woman named Mirielle Duroc. Met on feeds 6/6/11, talked about guests vs prisoners in Adstring, that some are suspected to have returned to their own worlds, about places of note, of a barter trade system, of Unohana's clinic, and offered help if he needed it.

aangin_loose: Bald kid named Aang. Easily excited. Met on feeds 6/6/11, said info about Unohana's clinic.

assassinskeeper: Man named Ray, contacted on 6/9/11, after seeing his feed request for help in smoking sheep's meat. Met in person at Ray's house, talked about Adstring, has a pet miniature brown dragon, lives alone.

outsidewindows: Man contacted on 6/13/11, after seeing his feed about hobbies. Angel.

jimmygibbsfan: Man named Ellis, contacted on 6/20/11, after seeing his feed about floating trucks in the river.

molto_ten_e: Man called the Doctor, contacted on 6/21/11, after seeing him wear 3D glasses on the feeds. Recent arrival.

second_chosen: Man contacted on 6/22/11 on feeds, after he requested help repairing his roof. Complete dick. Offer rescinded.

wingsandwill: Man named Castiel, contacted 6/22/11 on feeds, after he requested spices and chalk. Offered spices. Met in person.

population_ctrl: Man named Jean Louis Duroc, contacted 6/22/11 on feeds, after he shared information about who has offered help. Told him about where higher ground buildings were located. Married to Mireille. Talked about chaos vs structure.

bunny_flower: Woman named Unohana, contacted 6/22/11 on feeds, after seeing her mostly disrobe after a shower. She runs the clinic, is a healer and NOT a nurse.

feel_nevermore: Girl contacted 6/29/11 on feeds, after she mentioned a request for info from those who had entered the Inner City. In return, offered information when he comes across it.

ooc, reference

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