The End Of The Beginning IV

Jun 28, 2009 11:49

Title: The End Of The Beginning
Part: IV
Title: Revelations
Pairing: Xander/Spike (eventually)
Overall Rating: NC17
Chapter Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: I just play with the pretty things, I don't own them.
AN: I know this is a short chapter, but the next one should hopefully be up later today or early tomorrow to make up for it.
AN2: Oh, special thanks to Shakanaty for being amazing.

Previous Chapters

When Xander woke next time it was to the hushed sound of voices that seemed to float above him. Frowning he tried to force his still asleep brain to process what they were saying.

“- I just worry about him Spike, ever since Anya, he works, he looks after me, but it’s like a part of him is on autopilot. I don’t think he’s even looked at a girl since she left, like he won’t let himself look.” And didn’t that whispered statement from Dawn hurt more than a punch in the gut.

Desperate not to hear Spike’s reply, already knowing that it would have something to do with him being loser-boy and unable to get - or keep - a date to save his life, he made a big show of ‘waking up’. Shifting away from his denim pillow he bounced to his feet, stretching his back out.

“Morning Dawnster, Blondie, anyone want pancakes?” He was already moving into the kitchen, knowing the teen’s face would like sad and slightly guilty given their recent topic of discussion.

“Umm Xan?” The hesitant and slightly worried question stopped him in his tracks and he gifted her with his best goofy grin.

“Yes oh-light-of-my-life?” This time he couldn’t stop the flinch when she laughed, right on cue, but her eyes looked despairing, not at him but for him, quickly passing it off as a twinge in his back.

“It’s only nine o’clock at night.” That surprised him, he didn’t normally get time so completely confused.

“Right, so late night snack pancakes?” He offered, giving the small girl a real smile when she beamed at him. “Coming right up.”

Leaving them in the lounge room debating the dubious cool-ness of Stargate - he’d converted Dawn nicely - he hummed softly as he threw ingredients into a bowl and began to mix. Listening to Dawn defend Carter he stopped suddenly, his heart about to pound out of his chest as he made a connection, his mind filtering through episodes and science specials as it clicked into place in his head.

He was still standing, dumbstruck, when a familiar blonde head poked around the side of a kitchen door, one eyebrow ready-raised. He knew he looked an idiot - when didn’t he - but he couldn’t help beaming at the other man, practically bouncing on his toes. Handing the vampire the bowl of pancake batter he snatched up the phone and began dialling, ignoring the affronted look on the blonde’s face.

Looking from the other man to the teen who had come to see what was going on, he made a snap decision, not wanting to get their hopes up unless it didn’t work, walking calmly to his bedroom and shutting the door. He was still bouncing when a tired voice answered the phone.

“Willow! My bestest buddy, I figured it out! I know how to fix it!” He stopped when she interrupted, obviously confused and demanding he speak slowly.

Lowering his voice so vampire hearing didn’t pick up his conversation he carefully began to explain, unable to keep the excited edge from his rambling solution, already able to see the happy look on Dawn’s face.

Next Chapter

spike/xander, spander, the end of the beginning, fan fiction, xander/spike

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