*Better day completly*

Dec 24, 2005 00:02

My elfs my elfs my tiny Christmas elfs, Check it out! (goes with the hem to "My Humps") lol! haha well okay woke up by mummy bright and early this morning at 9:30 and got dressed and took a shower and ate a bagel and chream cheese* well okay my mummy asked me if I wanted to get my car fixed today and so i said yes so we went and got my car to start of with my front brakes well before we know it a list a mile long was printed off of things that needed to be done to fix it up adn make it okay again* well okay ne whom, it totaled to about $3000 dollers lol well okay thank god for my my mums credit card because well we got a big chunk of everything fixed thats way more than i payed for the car* $400 dollers lol haha My honda civic is a piece of shit deff... lol well okay got that done in the mean time went to birch run with my mummy and lil brother and excanged my jeans and shirt and got sum that fit and are way cute.... This is deff why chritmas time depresses me b/c Its never ever a surpise ne more* it never has been i dont know* but ate at sub way there mini pizza things are acctlly really good and went home and headed off to work stayed there for about 4 hours and went home and went to the movies with Troy* Every time I swear i fall more and more* Love is arising* haha how cheezy was that* but i just cant get over it its so super cute* and a sweetheart hes funny and makes me laugh* and never goes wronge and not to mention has a really nice car* welll dick and jane very recommened by me a great movie* everone qucikly go see it ............ o and i must not forget deff saw Mr. Matt today in birch run* deff a surpise dont get to see him as often ne more since the whole thing with Kyle happened*  well im tired and way excited about chritmas time* so nighty night laser light*


My elfs my elfs my elfs, my tiny christmas elfs*

an annoumus lil thing :

I hate how we don't talk for weeks
but then all of a sudden you talk to
me again && its like as if
nothing happened...&& i s l o w l y
start falling for you...all over again
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