edition 4 of these comprised the "princess overexposure" suite of prints. the background text was taken from roughly nineteen different articles about ms hilton's plans to retire from public life & the print attempts to convey the obsession with celebrity that prevents the public from understanding a celebrity as an actual person & how the words presented to the public about a celebrity become more important, which is why her face kind of blends into the text so that it almost looks like the text is running over her or at least contained within her frame like she is only those words in articles & the clownish makeup is the only accent because she is like a parody of a person & blah blah blah i bet you didn't think i could make this an attempt at a serious piece of art.
this was the original conception. paris as marilyn, me as warhol. the skintone is actually much more orangey & fake tanlike, but it scanned in darker.
john said this one truly captures the "lazy-eyed transvestite look" that paris so often goes for. john really hates paris, which is a little sad. i like the background of this one a lot.
ghost one
ghost two. this is probably my favorite.
probably the best thing i made was the mirror mobile, but it photographs horribly. rather, i photograph it horribly. so you'll just have to trust me when i say it's awesome.