the subject of this entry is meant to be sung to the tune of "jellybones".
things have been pretty swell. today is my last day of classes. i have an exam at 10:30 that i am going to rock. & i'm really going to miss silkscreening a lot a lot.
meredith, who did a really neat project on
bread , & i volunteered to design a title page for the slikscreening class' exchange portfolio & we did some layouts with
achewood strips but we really spent most of the period talking about phillipe & homestar runner. then at home i put together another title page using my webdesign skillz & john (instructor) liked it so much that he wants to use it for the title & the cover. it looks like
sort of. he thinks it's clever & well-put-together, which is strange for me. & everyone wins, because both meredith & i are getting extra credit & so is tiffany, who originally volunteered to design the cover image.
here is oliver with a tack through his nose. oliver likes to put things through the piercings in his body & sew the superficial layers of his skin because it freaks everyone out, especially john. also, he ate some of the silkscreening ink when we told him it was non toxic. oh, oliver.
mike & other mike. we had to do an alternative materials project so mike made a lifesize doll of himself. he went to build-a-bear & recorded two voiceboxes of him saying "my uncle is a communist" (inside joke, hahaha) & "looooove youuu" like the bear on the episode of family guy when chris' teacher tries to get chris to kill her husband. mike's pretty awesome.
the best thing about the fourth, besides going to faeli's house & being so warmly welcomed by his family & eating so much delicious food, was driving back from elizabeth around the same time that all the towns were starting their fireworks shows. we could see all the fireworks going up around the turnpike from all the different towns & it was beautiful in a way no words i put together will express.