[Post 022] Video/Action for Goldenrod City

Apr 09, 2011 17:15

['Round and 'round the Underground,
the buggies chased the Frenchman.
The buggies decide to pull out the stops;
Pop! goes the Pineco!

The 'Gear easily picks up that there's explosions and France is obviously running. The rest of the scene is not very clear. It looks like France attempted to go to work today but, at some point, got waylaid and trapped by a bunch of exploding bombs. Or, well, more specifically, Pineco.]

Putain de merde -!

[Yes, France is not the happiest of people at the moment. He appears to be running around in circles, although it might just be he's making progress but then having to rethink his path due to a new explosion. Thus, he's pretty unhappy at least from the sound of continued cursing the audio picks up. It takes a bit, but finally he seems to find somewhere to squat down and adjust to 'Gear to capture his dirt-smudged and strained face.]

Since when did this God-damned place become a living mine field?

*cecil harvey | ffiv, oh god why, *claire bennet | heroes, *china | axis powers hetalia, *superbi squalo | reborn!, *dale cooper | twin peaks, *envy | fullmetal alchemist, !route_29, *ise nanao | bleach, this is not my life, *england | axis powers hetalia, *romano | axis powers hetalia

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