Jul 10, 2004 18:36
Sometimes, I feel like I am under such great pressure, that I'm going to explode. That there are so many people counting on me and if I can't do what everyone wants, I'm a huge disappointment. Everyone in my life that matters is mad at me because they don't get to see me as much as they want. But it's really hard to do that when this past week, I worked from 8:30 in the morning until 11pm. So now not only am I a bad person for not making time, I'm also extremely tired and coming down with a bad cold. Why can't I just be allowed to be sick in peace, without someone pointing out how disappointed they are in me?
Also a little off subject, I'm starting to hate working at the Gap. It seems that whenever I'm working, they have me doing the exact same thing...the denim wall. I am tired of doing the same thing every night. I should have never shown them that I could fold well, because they think I'm the only person that can do it. All this experience has shown me is that to be happy, I should never excel at something. What a twisted lesson.