
Feb 21, 2010 15:46

I've reconciled myself to the fact that diving, though enthralling and otherworldly, is decidedly not for me. Fortunately I don't own much SCUBA-specific gear other than my mouthpiece. Everything else can be repurposed for snorkeling, and I'm particularly looking forward to one day using my wetsuit for kayaking.

Meanwhile, I've found something better. Nearly every Friday for the past month or so, I've gone to the rec center with Ryan to climb. I particularly like it in that, unlike diving or cycling, it's perfectly fine that I'm not at his skill level. No need to feel self-conscious occasionally struggling on routes with a grade of 5.7, while he usually does 5.8s or 9s. I like being a belay monkey. I cannot describe how great it felt the first time to belay unanchored. When he falls, to my great amusement, I'm usually lifted a foot off the ground, sometimes accompanied with a swing toward the wall. It doesn't happen very often and if it's a route he's a bit wary of I go ahead and anchor.

That's not to say climbing itself is a chore. It's gratifying when I successfully skip steps or impress people with gutsy moves. I'm at the point where we think some proper shoes would help. While my lime green Chucks are awesome, my feet tend to twist a bit and it's just not very comfortable in general.

Spring is around the corner, which means more cycling, which in turn means finally getting the chance to use the shoes I got at an REI garage sale. Sadly, the next garage sale probably won't come soon enough for me to save on the climbing shoes I want.

Well, I should continue making my lasagna grocery list.

climbing, bicycles

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