FIC: A Kiss is not a Contract (but it can be), Masterpost, R

Sep 27, 2012 07:57

Realized I hadn't cross posted this.

Title: A Kiss is not a Contract (but it can be)
Author: WeepingNaiad
Series: The Avengers, with characters borrowed from S.W.A.T. and RED
Characters/Pairings: Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Phil Coulson, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Jim Street, Ivan Simanov, Victoria Winslow-Coulson, The Hulk, Thor, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, OMC, OFC, Clint/Coulson, Phil Coulson/OMC, Phil Coulson/The Cellist, Clint Barton/Jim Street
Content Advisory: perceived canon character death, pining, silly villains, and family interplay
Rating: R
Word Count: 14,968
Beta: Thanks to abigail89. I couldn’t do any of this without her. Seriously, she sees things that I’m too close to ever notice (my own personal Hawkeye!) and she insists that I step up and deliver. I did, of course, tinker with it after she provided her feedback, so any and all remaining mistakes are mine.
Summary: When Clint is badly injured on a mission, Phil lets his deeply hidden feelings for the man show. But then he buries them again. And again. And again. It takes death (and resurrection) to convince Phil life is too short to deny himself Clint's love.
A/N: This was written for avengers_rbb and inspired by the lovely mix created by emmypenny. It fills my hurt-comfort bingo square for death. I also want to thank jlh for being my encouragement and sounding board for this.
A/N 2: This isn't exactly an AU, but let's just say I threw all timelines in a blender and hit 'puree'.
Disclaimer: These are Marvel and Whedon’s characters used in the spirit of creative commons. I promise to return them with smiles on.

Fanmix: Only Five Year-Old Girls Play Effeuille de Marguerite So I Won't (But I Want To)

A Kiss is not a Contract (but it can be) on Ao3 | on my LJ

author: weepingnaiad, rating: r, fandom: marvel comics, genre: fictional character slash

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