FIC: Hello (1/3)

Sep 26, 2012 08:29

Title: Hello (1/3)
Authors: (nverland)
Fandom: LotR
Genre: RPS
Characters: Viggo/ Orlando
Rating: NC17 overall, G this chapter
Words: 1061
Beta: The wonderful Original Namarie120, whom I would be totally lost without
Disclaimer: I know no one in or associated with this. It is purely fiction. No harm intended.
Warnings: None really
A/N: This was originally posted in my journal in 2006
A/N 2: Inspired by spending way too much time listening to Lionel Ritchie
Summary: Viggo and Orlando get wrapped up in the same old song.

Chapter One: Orlando’s POV

I've been alone with you
Inside my mind
And in my dreams I've kissed your lips
A thousand times
I sometimes see you
Pass outside my door
Is it me you're looking for?
I can see it in your eyes
I can see it in your smile
You're all I've ever wanted
And my arms are open wide
Because you know just what to say
And you know just what to do
And I want to tell you so much
I love you

Orlando hummed along to the song on the radio as he drove to the set. The song seemed to cover just how he felt. And it set his mind to wandering.

It all started years ago, when he was walking across the lot with Dom. They were chattering away, like they always did, about nothing important. Seems like it was probably what they were going to do with their time off that weekend. When they looked up they saw Peter talking to someone. Someone who seemed to just shine with an inner spark. Or at least, that’s how Orlando saw him. Sandy brownish hair, blue eyes, and just a presence. You could just feel an energy there. When they got close enough, Peter called them over to meet their new castmate. They all shook hands, exchanged all the common pleasantries, and then Peter led the new person, Viggo, away.

Orlando felt like his hand tingled afterwards, and was very lost in thought after they walked off, only nodding and mumbling answers back at Dom. Strange, he’d never been so affected by anyone this way before. So, this was to be the new Aragorn, the person to replace Stuart, he mused. When they got back to costume, they changed and said their goodbyes for the night, heading for what was home right now.

Orlando didn’t see much of Viggo the next few days, while he was fitted for costumes, trained for sword fighting, and generally made ready for the grueling role he’d undertaken.

By the weekend, everyone had agreed to meet at a local pub. Blow off some pent-up steam. Orlando and the gang that had already been dubbed the Hobbits were involved in some serious drinking. Between pints of the local beer, they spent their time on the dance floor, flailing about, being young and stupid. So when the older contingent entered, joined by their newest cast mate, no one really noticed. Except Orlando. Who, having already had more than he should to drink, was bouncing about in what everyone knew was his normal style, kissing and hugging everyone he came near. When he grabbed Viggo into a big hug, the man gave him a quick squeeze back, but then pulled away, seeming to be embarrassed by the show of affection.

Orlando, being drunk, simply bounced off to the next person he came upon, kissing them and dragging the poor soul onto the dance floor. He didn’t notice the look coming from Viggo, or hear the conversations going on about each member of the cast.

Come Monday, Viggo had official joined in filming. He and Orlando spent most of their time on set together, and found that they began to spend more and more off set time together too. Which suited Orlando very well. He enjoyed the time with Viggo. They shared many similar views on things, liked a lot of the same music, and even had shared tastes in books. Or at least the few that Orlando read. Most of the group found that if they went looking for one they normally found the other.

Orlando tried very hard to think of Viggo as only a friend and mentor. But in his heart, and dreams, it was more. He found that whenever they all had an extended break from filming, and went their separate ways for any time, he missed Viggo. And found himself calling Viggo at odd times about the silliest things. And Viggo always seemed happy to hear from Orlando, spending however long Orlando needed talking.

When filming was finally over, and they all went home, Orlando felt at such a loss. He no longer had his young friends to go and play with, like he had for almost two years. He no longer had Viggo either. And that hurt, sometimes so much that he found himself crying in his bed at night.

He knew this was silly, that they were grown men, with lives and careers and other people that needed and depended on them. But it didn’t make it any easier. Orlando threw himself into his roles, working hard, trying to make a name for himself as more than just a pretty face, or as Legolas. He tried dating, seeing several beautiful young women, until his publicist paired him with a young woman who was in need of a push. Being seen with him would help her career, and make all the talk about Orlando and his being single still calm down.

Orlando tried to make everyone happy, but it just never seemed to make him very happy. No matter what he did, where he went, there was always someone talking about him, or wanting more. He still saw some of his old friends when he could, but they all had new projects too.

And the more time went by, the less he saw or heard from Viggo. He knew that Viggo was busy, had a company to run, books to write and promote, and movies of his own to make. But he missed his friend.

Finally, while driving along, listening to the song and thinking about how badly he missed Viggo, and admitting to himself how he really felt, Orlando made a decision. When he got to the set that day, he made arrangements to take some time off.


fandom: real person fiction, genre: real person slash, author: carol, rating: nc-17

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