I am SO looking forward to this.
The guy is a psychology intern. If I were in another situation, I might request someone more experienced. But here? That's perfectly fine, and maybe even beneficial. I don't feel like my case needs so much specialized understanding of dangerous situations. E.g., I've never been anywhere near suicidal, so it's not like I need a therapist who is experienced and skilled with someone unstable like that. I can imagine some benefits to having someone very similar to me: youth, race, sex, social class, psych interest, being a student, probably similar liberal views. He'll have a more recent or current understanding of the kinds of pressures and concerns that I'm experiencing.
"The guy" should gain a sexier name when I know him a little better. =)
I'll see him every other week starting Monday. (Free shorter-term counseling is kindly funded from student tuition.)
When I asked him what I could do to prepare he asked this, paraphrased:
What are some instances in recent history, like the last couple months, in which things felt especially meaningful? And in an authentic way?
In the future I'll get his questions down exactly... =/ I don't want to accidentally filter questions through my worldview and avoid new ways of looking at things.
A bonus? To smooth communications between us by ensuring some common language, I recommended that he brush up on the Enneagram, particularly the type Three and maybe Four. He agreed. It's interesting and appealing to him, anyway!
I cannot WAIT to get my life rolling to my own drum, mixed metaphors and all.