For days I've been positively dazed by the response from the Big Bang posts. I'm amazed, really and I can only say that the experience of taking part in the SPN-J2-Big Bang has been incredible. It's not just that I've gotten to know a couple of people who are plain and simply awesome, but I feel it has also helped me develop my style of drawing. I
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Actually this preference of many people to see either of the boys vulnerable or downright hurt (limp Sam comes to mind) surprises me. I always enjoyed a certain vulnerability in the boys but mostly am impressed when they're strong (especially emotionally.) I love it when they're in a no-win situation but, by using their wits and determination, manage to make it out of it - against all odds.
But back to Jensen/Dean as wubbie. I've got a theory that this preference might have something to do with the mere fact that Jensen is such an outstanding actor. He does emotion incredibly well and certainly can cry far more easily (and aesthetically) on command than I can. In fact, I think this preference even makes its appearance in the show as Dean's suffering is shown stronger (or at least that how it comes across to me) than Sam's. Quite possibly because Jensen really has a way of drawing the watcher in and suffering right along with him (whereas I love Jared in action scenes). Whoa. Completely off-topic now.
I think I was getting confused/distracted by the emotional component.
This is another one of these things I noticed about writing. Even more than when I draw, writing makes me emotional. It's downright ridiculous at times but the stories I write (few as they may be), tend to draw me in more deeply than any picture. Consequentially, I can imagine that harsh critique can be more difficult to deal with when one has written as story as opposed to draw a picture. So in contrast to the popular opinion that a picture is worth more than a thousand words, I think emotionally I made different experiences. Seeing that you're doing art as well, I'd be interested how you feel about this.
I've been following your link to Callisto (*great* username, by the way) and was overwhelmed. such a difficult topic, handled so beautifully and realistically. I left her a glowing review and bookmarked her fic-index. This is something to go back to and read and re-read again and again. Thanks for making the connection :)
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