For days I've been positively dazed by the response from the Big Bang posts. I'm amazed, really and I can only say that the experience of taking part in the SPN-J2-Big Bang has been incredible. It's not just that I've gotten to know a couple of people who are plain and simply awesome, but I feel it has also helped me develop my style of drawing. I
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Summergen is amazing. I loved the idea ever since i first heard about it and since I wanted to get a bit into writing in addition to drawing, I thought that's the perfect motivation. I tend to abandon everything unless I know someone is counting on me.
By the way, since you're doing summergen, too - do you know how they want their stories? I thought about sending the story in with the completed html, author's notes etc. It should work as long as I, as an author, remain anonymous, right?
Because by now I'm plagued by at least two illustrations I want to do for the story, but those would immediately reveal me. So - theoretically, it should be possible to post the fic in my own journal after the reveal has been made, right? I'm such a planless newbie here ;)
As it is, I'm really looking forward to summergen, knowing there's going to be your story in there. Let's see if I can guess which one it is :)
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