Oh brother...

May 07, 2008 04:33

I can tell I'm going crazy now. I'm not able to go to bed tonight until I finish my task. "What's my task," you ask? Is it saving the world from the threat of miniature giant space hamsters? Or possibly solving the American economic woes?

No, my friends, my task is much greater than that: I have painstakingly transcribed Jan Garber's "The Night is Young, and You're So Beautiful" (of Robin Hood: Men In Tights fame) into Sindarin (the language of J.R.R. Tolkien's elves).

Boe tinnu, a le bain,
Sí imdúath, hiril bain,
Edro gûr lín.
Tiro sad, linnat o ha sûl
Alheniach man câr, hiril?
Ir bedim herio?

Ir hiril lu bain, a sa him aduial,
Boe pân elei nedh gûr o pe-channas.
Cúron orthae a le bain,
A ae-melon nîn taur, hiril,
Ni almaer.
Boe tinnu, a le melon!

And for literal translation:

It is early night, and you are beautiful,
Here within the shadows, beautiful lady,
Open your heart.
Look to the area, the breezes sing of it
Do you not understand what you are doing, lady?
When do we begin?

When the lady has beauty, and it is a cool evening,
All dreams are necessary inside the heart of an idiot.
The moon is raised, and you are beautiful
And if my love is overwhelming, lady,
I am of no use.
It is early night, and I love you!

tolkien, insomnia, silly stuff, alive, wtf

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