Dec 20, 2005 22:46
Well I just recieved my final grades and I got two B's and one A. Not bad if I do say so myself! All I know is I worked really hard this entire quarter and I know I probablly could have gotten all A's but It was hard enough to keep up with what I had. So this quarter is ending and I have 2 weeks until the next one starts. I also get a whole week off of work at the same time. Lucio thinks I should relax and do something fun, but we are poor so I am not sure what we can do.
We had 2 Christmas parties at my house one was for work the other for Family and friends. I have to say I am surprised Lucio actually helped me a lot in the preperation and not just with the "manly" stuff but with decorations, cleaning, and cooking. I was very impressed. Overall both parties went well and everyone enjoyed themselves. Dara pulled a gag gift on me and got me a really pretty ring that looked like an engagement ring and no one else got the joke but me, Dara, and Lucio. She said she was trying to give him a hint as to what I wanted for Christmas. Well its not like he hasn't gotten tons of hints from me already. Christmas should be interesting this year anyways. I only have one more gift to buy and then I am done (sigh of relief). Well I hope everyone has a wonderful and joyous holiday season, I know I will (Well as soon as I get off for break on the 23rd).