So Literary theory sucks (or the teacher does)

Nov 15, 2005 19:39

So I just got out of my Literary Theory class and I have no idea what the Prof. lectured on. I know that this stuff is dense but it should not be incomprehensible. So we talked about cultural studies - well mostly African American cultural studies, and ideology, and Freud (ugh) and Karl Marx and his teachings. What I basically got out of the lecture is that there is no reality except those based on economics and materialistic ideas. I know money means a lot to just about everybody but come on do we really think money is tied to reality? Well I don't know about everyone else but these seems like reality is how we perceive concrete ideas or objects. Everyone has a different reality based on how we interpret the same tangible idea or "reality". Okay that's my rant on my lecture, in short the class sucks and I am aiming for a C as my final grade seeing as how everyone in the class just failed our midterms. Think it could be something wrong with the teacher - no it couldn't be he started his degree in psychology - Oh wait....
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