
Jul 06, 2006 15:18

And to go along with Everworld, an Animorphs trailer.

Open on a black screen.

JAKE (VO): We can’t tell you who we are.

There is a flash and a brief shot of a tiger’s eyes in a quick pan before the screen fades once again to black.

JAKE (VO): Or where we live.

INT. The School-DAY
AX, in human morph, walks unsteadily down a crowded hallway. JAKE and MARCO both stand near him, looking a little nervous, but trying to remain normal and nonchalant.

MARCO (VO): It’s too risky.

INT. The Barn-DAY
CASSIE stands by one of the various cages, cleaning it. Marco lies on a bale of hay, completely relaxed, eyes closed. RACHEL attempts to stick as many pieces of hay in his hair as she possibly can before he notices. Jake keeps shooting her warning looks that she keeps ignoring. Ax, in his normal Andalite form, stands observing while TOBIAS sits in the rafters keeping watch. The shot zooms in on Tobias.

TOBIAS (VO): And we’ve got to be careful.

INT. The School-NIGHT
It is the night of that ill-fated dance. Rachel and Cassie have Ax stationed by the drinking fountain as he continues to morph and demorph. Cassie shoots a furtive glance down the hall at MR. TIDWELL who is fast approaching.

CASSIE (VO): Really careful.

INT. The Mall-DAY
The group sits at a table in the crowded food court. Ax is busy eating a cinnamon bun while the rest of the group sits, watching him, with something like awe on their faces. Rachel, however, sits a little back from the group, staring off into the crowd.

RACHEL (VO): So we don’t trust anyone.

A close shot of CHAPMAN.

INT. The Yeerk Pool-NIGHT
Cries can be heard form all directions. The shot zooms in on the pier where two Hork-Bajir hold a woman as a Yeerk makes its way out of her ear.

AX (VO): Because if they find us…

INT. The Barn-DAY
Rachel stands in the center of the barn, rallying the troops. Her arm, with a clenched fist, is slightly raised. Her mouth forms the words “Let’s do it” but we can’t hear it. Instead:

RACHEL (VO): Well, we just won’t let them find us.

EXT. The Construction Site-NIGHT
The five humans stare up at ELFANGOR’s ship as it lands. Cut to some time later a, hiding, they catch their first glimpse of VISSER THREE. Close on their horrified expressions.

A close on Jake’s face. He eyes the camera calmly.

JAKE: Yeah.

A close on Jake as a tiger.

JAKE: Even you.

Fade to black as the word “Animorphs” appears on the screen, along with other pertinent details.

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