Fun times ahead...

Mar 08, 2015 18:46

I've registered for VidUKon 2015!  \o/  (Anyone else looking for a roommate btw?)

Been dithering about it for ages, but this has been a weekend of making scary decisions - in the last 24 hours I've arranged to visit a fandom friend in the Netherlands in April, and have agreed to sing in a festival down south in May again - so hey, why not complete the hat-trick.  :D  And it was a fab weekend last year, met some very lovely people - looking forward to meeting some of you again!

And speaking of scary things, I'd love to finish up one of the - ahahaha, not even slightly kidding - sixteen half- or mostly-finished vids on my hard drive, and submit it as a premiere.  With my record at finishing stuff recently, it's probably unlikely, but it's always nice to have a deadline to aim for!

Big favour, but would anyone out there be willing to look at a very rough, half-finished vid or two (or three) and do a bit of cheerleading/blunt-truth-telling as needed to help me figure out which one's worth trying to finish up in time?  ETA: fandoms are probably X-Files & Doctor Who, if that helps.  Probably.  Unless I change my mind again.  :p


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