Reveals are up! (Okay, so I'm a little behind the times, shh.)
I have to thank
metatxt for my gorgeous Nashville vid,
Coming Home to Me - if you missed it and you enjoy beautiful vids about the relationships between amazing, flawed, complex women, go watch it. One of those vids that gets you right in the heart, just stunning.
I made two vids this year -
a Foyle's War vid as my assignment for
dkwilliams and a
Bend it Like Beckham Treat for
jacquelee (notes at the posts). And now the anonymous period is over, I can FINALLY talk about Foyle's War because this show, you guys, this SHOW. You know how there are the shows you kind of enjoy, and the ones that you really love, and then the ones that just wham, smack you in the heart and bowl you over? This one was the latter.
I'd always made the mistake of dismissing it as yet another period crime drama that my parents watched - I'd even seen a couple of early episodes back when I was still living with them and had remembered the series as vaguely enjoyable but slow-moving and dull. There are No Words for how wrong I was. Okay, yes, it's slow-paced - glacial in fact - but that's kind of the point, and part of the charm of the whole thing. And it's not really a crime drama either - well no, it is, but it's really a drama about people living through war that uses the mystery element as a hook. Beautiful stories, beautifully told and written and acted and filmed.
Don't get me wrong, it's not perfect. It's deeply, deeply flawed in many ways. It's not a progressive show. It's definitely not a feminist one. But I can overlook the flaws for Michael Kitchin's faaaace. And for Sam, who has zoomed up the list to become one of my favourite fictional characters ever.
Completely unviddable though. Had to abandon my first attempt at a vid because of the fact that the main character's defining characteristic is that he never displays any outward emotion at all. Michael Kitchen's ability to communicate deep, complex emotions with nothing more than raising one eyebrow by a tiny fraction of an inch is nothing short of astounding, but it's effing hard on a vidder. But still, will ever be grateful to
dkwilliams's request, without which I might never had discovered this beautiful show at all.
2 scenes which sum up why I love Foyle's War:
[at the end of the war, when Sam discovers that Foyle can drive after five years of driving for him, including two occasions where she got fired (long story) and he brought her back]
Foyle: To be fair, I never said I couldn't drive, just that I preferred not to.
Sam: But then...all these've never really needed me at all, sir.
Foyle: [tiny pause] I wouldn't exactly say that.
[in the last ever episode, which aired recently, the final scene between Sam and Foyle after 8 series, when she finally tells him she's 'PWP - pregnant without permission']
Sam: We'd really rather like it if you'd be godfather, sir.
Foyle: Honoured.
Sam: Thank you.
Foyle: Pleasure.
[she briefly kisses him on the cheek - pretty much the only physical contact between them in all 8 series - and walks away]
That's about as overtly emotional as it ever got. And I bawled like a baby. *hugs them all to my heart and never letting go*