[title redacted]

Nov 16, 2014 16:38

Between work, a couple of trips down south, some family stuff, and a rather nasty bout of something flu-like, I've not had a lot of time/energy for fannish stuff recently...

(Except for a bit of Festivids admin, obviously; I sent out half the assignments a couple of weeks ago on a train down to London, praying for the creaky wi-fi to hold out, which was a very joyous if somewhat surreal experience!)

...but what I have been doing, from my sickbed (*pathetic cough*), is indulging myself in...something.  A source.  Can't talk about it - I didn't offer it, hadn't thought about it in years, but my Festivids recipient requested it and the request made me go 'ooh...' - but it's kind of a bit all-consuming at the moment.  It's so rich, you guys.  And, gah, full of heart.  And so pretty, and argh, I love everyone in it so much, but mainly the full-of-heart thing.  Oh, and completely unviddable, for reasons I wish I could rant about.

Of course, the sensible thing to do would be to vid the simple, straightforward request for the fandom I did actually offer, and then try to make the slightly bonkers, experimental vid I'm not sure I can actually pull off for the long, complicated, unviddable canon later.

Am I doing the sensible thing?  Am I heck.  *loads up the next installment*

(Full of HEART, people.  <3  So many feels.)

vidding, festivids

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