
Oct 17, 2012 09:26

Assignment is...interesting.  Very happy with it, don't regret offering it, love the fandom to pieces and the exact request suits me down to the ground...

...but it's weird how
festivids always works itself out for me every year.  I'm beginning to get a bit freaked out.  :p

Was a bit bored fannishly (it was just before I discovered Chryed), had lots of free time on my hands, offered Lois & Clark on a whim because I'd just bought the DVDs but hadn't got round to watching them yet.  So being assigned L&C meant I could indulge fannishly, marathon the whole show in a couple of weeks and fall in love with it all over again while searching for the right song.  Perfect timing.

2010 &2011:
Both times, matched on more than one fandom, and had tons of ideas as soon as I opened up the assignment email, couldn't wait to start clipping.  Was working (unlike 2009) so didn't have much time to indulge, but both years I started work on a Doctor Who vid the same day assignments went out so I didn't need to rewatch, it was DW, I know it backwards...
This year:

Offered about 15-16 fandoms, and had at least a half-formed idea for a vid in every single fandom bar one, which I offered cos I'd like to vid it but seriously have no clue what I would make.  Guess which one I matched on?  I've never even heard of the other fandoms my recipient has requested, so only the one option...

But that works out perfectly this year - unlike every other year, I don't have any ideas and am not going to be able to start work on a vid right away, but this year I don't have time to start work, it's going to have to wait until after ChryedCon anyway.  So I have a couple of weeks to keep the fandom and the request swirling around in my head, keeping an ear out for songs.  Then I can do a rewatch in November once I have time (and hopefully some kind of idea too!)
So yeah, fourth year in a row my
festivids assignment is the BEST EVER, just for different reasons every time.  Weird how that keeps happening, I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop and the worst assignment to turn up one year...but hey, maybe there just are no bad assignments in Festivids.  :D

Kind of a weird feeling to remember there's someone out there who's been assigned me at the same time though...really hope they're thinking similar thoughts and not omg, worst assignment ever.  Eep.

vidding, lois and clark, festivids, doctor who

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