Jun 03, 2005 19:28
Well, life has only gotten worse since the last post. I decided to check on my missing financial aid checks at school the other day, and found out that the reason I hadn't received any residuals was because they had denied my financial aid application. Apparently, a 3.5 GPA student who already has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology isn't Lexington Community College material. They have a 90 credit hour rule, which states that once you hit 90, you're history. For some reason, the idiots want to count the credits I have towards my degree against me, which is total bullshit.
So, I have spent the last 4 days running around like crazy, filing appeals and pulling out my transcripts to demonstrate that I have been making reasonable academic progress towards my nursing degree. Worst case scenario, I get delayed a year while I apply into UK's program and work there as a CNA so that I get 6 credit hours for free. It's not too bad a shake, but it is very frustrating to get on the edge of doing what you want and then have it yanked away by the asshole Republicans who only want rich white men to be able to go to school. Seriously, who has $2000 a semester to just plop down for school?
In related news, funny story from the crazy home, apparently one of the nice residents (who suffers from anxiety disorder like you wouldn't believe) came up to the desk and told the staff that there was something that they needed to see in the shower. Turns out one of the BB's (bipolar bitches) was in the shower, wasn't feeling well, and took a dump in the shower. She saw no need to clean it up, or to tell staff, she just left it there! (Of course, this is the same woman I have to call security on every morning for breaking curfew, as well as having sex with as many men as she can attract on a daily basis). When asked about the incident, her reply was that she thought housekeeping was going to come and clean it up. No remorse at all.
I don't want to sound like I am a total asshole. I really do care about the residents. When my schizophrenics are having problems with their voices, I have no problems sitting there and talking with them for hours, if needed. I do all I can to help these guys out. I just really have some issues with some of the behaviors that have been learned while these people have been institutionalized. There is absolutely no reason that the lady I was referring to could not function in society, but instead of working towards that and participating in her treatment plan, she prefers to defy us on a daily basis and do everything possible to cause problems for herself and others.
Well, I think I have bitched enough for one day. I am going to get something to eat and pig out. Drown my sorrows, etc. I'll let you know how it goes.