my most useless post ever. really.

Nov 07, 2007 19:18

I don't think I've ever really put any sort of celebrity gossip in here. ever. Let alone given a whole entry to it. But I thought this was noteworthy:

Apparently, Michael Jackson defaulted on a $23 million loan for his Neverland Ranch. Pedophilia aside, that is a legendary piece of landscape. Celebrity weddings, amusement park, hideaway for people that don't want to grow old, etc. I know from firsthand experience what it's like to lose a home, so I sympathize with the guy. Actually, I've always pitied him a bit, but that was because he struck me as one overgrown misfit. Oh well. I guess the royalties for Thriller will only go so far...

That's what you get for hogging the rights to the Beatles' music, BITCH!*

Also, wtf is up with Britney Spears? it's like watching the Hindenburg crash in slow motion with director's commentary. (sorry, I hear it everyday on the radio at work and I just had to say something)

And finally, the Spice Girls are back. Seriously.

That's enough of that. No articles because I couldn't quite bear looking this stuff up (save for the Jackson bit). Now let's hope I never have any of this in here again.

*-For those that don't know, Jackson bought the rights to almost all of the Beatles' songs and hasn't allowed any new compilations or releases or anything for years; my mom thinks he's jealous of the greatest band ever.
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