Sandusky has an anime club.

Nov 03, 2007 00:29

Really. I was there when it first set up shop, but then I didn't go again because I went back to Oberlin. Since I got promoted I've got enough time to actually go and the energy to stay awake. Tonight was the Halloween (late, haha) showing. First they showed this short hide and seek thing that was all cg (like the new Appleseed movie), and since I was a little late I didn't get it all, but the atmosphere was awesome.

Second: Interlude. Nifty show. Short. Like, three episodes short. Strong resemblance to evangelion at times; think Eva without the Eva's. Still, I recommend checking it out if you get the chance. The music was great, though slightly repetitive. Also, the english dub is a bit...weird.

Third: Le Portait de Petite Cosset. Creepy, great, and extremely Loli. I would have liked it more had there not been so much reused footage (it was only 3 episodes!) and had I not been creeped out by imagery made to turn on the gothic lolita crowd. I'll take my goth ero of age, please. Still worth checking out if you can get past that. Great opening theme.

Fourth: Suicide Club. Finally, a movie you could sink your teeth into for halloween. I have to say I was oddly disappointed with this one. The blood and gore was great and the suicides oddly humorous. That said, it felt like the movie was building towards something but never got around to it. You can only go so far with the inherent creepiness of little girls and a Japanese version of David Bowie (you do have to see it just for him). I saw Pulse and that built to a nice crescendo towards the end with some resolution. Suicide Club sort of petered out. It had such potential, too: music numbers, violence, rape, murder, suicide, ghosts, buckets upon buckets of fake blood, etc. Still, creepy kids and Japanese David Bowie; enough said. Also, it's a great movie to watch with friends. Be advised, though, extremely gruesome content and whatnot (screen if you plan to show it to a lot of people, or watch it with them the first time and be equally horrified/amused).

EDIT: so I maxed out my memory card with 1048 photos and 4 videos. I'd post one, but I'm too tired and have over a hundred that need to be sorted through. sorry, I'll post extra tomorrow to make up for it.
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