Happy Thanksgiving!

Nov 26, 2010 17:39

We are back, after a short trip yesterday to Troy NY, to take Stevie and Lindsay out to dinner for Thanksgiving. We left yesterday in the morning, arrived in the early afternoon, lolled about talking and eating cheese for a couple of hours, then headed back to the hotel to dress for dinner. Last year it was just the two ladies, Paul and me, but this year we also had Laura and my girls' dad, so we had a full table. Jack's Oyster House did a really good job with a very traditional Thanksgiving dinner; it was delicious.And there was only a little drama, and that coming from the furbaby.

You see, we thought we'd take Widget with us. Normally he gets kenneled or he stays with friends, but I worry about wearing out our welcome with our friends, and about him feeling lonely and abandoned in the kennel now that Buddy is not with him. Stevie and Lindsay recently acquired a dog at their local shelter, and Stevie said that Widget could stay with them overnight. He's a good boy and Chela (their pup) is still young enough not to have dominance issues. So he came with us to their apartment and spent a lot of time trying to escape from Chela who wanted to !PLAY! Oh, she wanted so much to play! She bounced at him, and played bitey face and threw her arm across his shoulder. He just kept escaping, at times waving his open mouth at her in the most unconvincing display of "I'ma BITECHU!" that I've ever seen. But all was fine, and we enjoyed watching them interact.

Stevie and Lindsay were supposed to drive to our hotel (which was very close, but it was cold and raining), and we were going to take two cars to the restaurant. At about the time they were to arrive, Stevie called to say that they left the apartment and Widget started barking. They have no neighbors at the moment, so that wasn't a problem, but they were afraid that Chela would become distressed and hurt herself trying to get out of her crate. What to do, what to do? Then I had a brainstorm and a little chat with the young man who was minding the front desk and watching a football game in what had to have been the deadest hotel lobby in the entire Northeast.

The four of us left the hotel with two cars, and Stevie, Linds, Laura and Seppo left for the restaurant. Paul and I picked up our little loudmouth and went back to our hotel. I left Widget, my cell phone number and $10 with the young man, and off we went to a great dinner. Problem solved; the young man seemed quite willing to have a little foot warmer under the desk with him, and we didn't have to worry about Widget bringing the house down.

ETA: Apparently after dinner when Widget went home with Stevie and Lindsay, he figured out what Chela was doing and played! This is amazing; he knows how to play because he'll play with us, but we've never seen him pay any attention to another dog for any reason, much less play with a dog. But he broke down and was bowing and whirling and playing bitey with Chela!

pets, widget

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