Feb 13, 2011 12:43
My hours have been tweaked for this week :3 Working noon to three instead of three to six for training days since my old hours were during the slow times, not really good for training.
I feel weird not calling my other "current place of employment" to see what my hours are... but my boyfriend's mom says that it's not my responsibility to call them since they've given me no hours for two months. I almost feel like it's bad of me to not call them... I dunno... Hm... I'll prolly leave my phone here, near his mom, and swipe his phone just in case they happen to call while I'm at work.
WHY THE HELL ARE TWO OF MY TOES (slightly) SWOLLEN?? Like, the pads of them D: One almost hurts to walk on. It's annoying :( It was fine last night...
I wish my boyfriend were a little more open-minded... Unless it effects him directly or me directly or something, he doesn't really care about it. I tried telling him that they were fiddling with the Voynich Manuscript again, doing carbon-14 dating on it, and that they found that it was either 100 years old or younger than they had originally thought. He was just "And we care why?" Ugh. I dunno.
bodily functions,