OOC: Twenty Fanfic Writing Questions

Feb 15, 2008 21:17

1. How about a brief introduction?

Normally I would come up with something incredibly sarcastic/witty to say here, but since I'm doped up on meds and most of this probably won't make any sense because of it? Well I'll just answer the question. Name is Noel or Noey or NoNo or Terrorist whichever you prefer. I'm 23 and currently reside in Alabama (bleh).

2. What got you into fan fiction (and/or adopting muses)?

By reading other muns answers I guess I kind of went backwards. I started RPing when I was 13 and didn't write my first fanfic until a year later when Buffy The Vampire Slayer became my first obsession. But if you absolutely must know and I wouldn't admit this any other time but >_> my first muse was Rini from Sailor Moon. *facepalms* *COUGHS* I WAS 13!?!

3. What kind of fan fiction do you write?

I like to dip my hand into every genre, especially when writing for my muses.

4. Do you write for the same pairings/characters?

Honestly, it all depends on whether or not I can get a character's voice right...because if I don't believe it I know that no one else is going to either. I haven't wrote for many canon muses, (Luna, Lavender, Rini, Angel/Angelus, Willow) but the same rules apply when taking on an OC. I have been asked a "few" times *cough*Ashy*cough*Hayley*uncough* to take on an OC and sometimes their voice comes to me right away like Stella's and sometimes it takes a bit of work like Cordy's. But like I said I won't take on a character unless I'm sure I can do him/her justice.

5. What is your most popular fic and why do you think people like it so?

There is a Buffy/Angel fic on FFN that I wrote three chapters on...every now and then I get a request to finish it. Yeeeah that's all you need to know about that K?Thx!Bai!

As far as the communities go? I don't know, you guys tell me.

6. Forget other people, what is the fanfic you've written that you're most proud of and why?

hmm probably this or this.

Because even the strongest of people have their breaking points, and with those two fics I got to explore Luna's.

7. Do you find writing easy? Hard? What aspects do you struggle with?

It honestly all depends on the day, mood, amount of inspiration, etc. Sometimes it can take half a hour for me to get a fic out and other times it can take a few days. Writing in general is hard especially when you are as close to your characters as I am too mine. Not so much in the aspect to where it is difficult, but rather to where it takes a lot out of you.

8. Write a few sentences of your favorite pairing or character.

...And after the poles there was pudding?

9. Are there any fan fiction trends/clichés you hate?

*...* I'll try to keep this short and sweet *halo* >_>

- Using RP for E-Dating kind of gives me the wiggins

- Breaking the OOC/IC line

- Godmodding is naughty black magic and those who participate in it should be smothered with a hundred rainbow colored bunnies. The end!

- Passive Aggressiveness

- The few that feel the need to tell me how I SHOULD be writing my muses. I welcome constructive criticism with open arms, but once someone treads into flaming territory I'm just going to tell them: "See that OOC/IC line? You're stepping over it...now please get out of my personal space before I hex you”

- *sigh* Muses slipping out of character happens way to often. I am blessed to be in a community who don’t seem to have that problem.

10. Are you guilty of any of the trends you hate?

*SIGH* I try really hard to stay innocent, but I think everyone steps onto the guilty side every now and then.

11. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Do you still write for it?

Sailor Moon... and NO NO NO and oh yeah hell NO

12. Name your OTPs and explain what it is about them you love to write.

Luna/Nev- Aside from the fact that they are cuter than a basket of puppies? I’ve been a devout Neville/Luna shipper since book five and my Neville (longbottom_heir) has surpassed any expectations Luna or I could have ever possessed. Like Hayley said they’re soulmates, and what they have is something rare you can’t find in a lot of pairings. I honestly believe Luna would not be the person she is without Nev, she loves her Neville yes she does.

annnnd I’m skipping the explaining part and just listing the rest I’ve fangirled all of these enough individually to each of you so you know... <333

Harry/Luna/Cedric (AU MUSES IS SO MUCH <3)
Luna/Albus Severus
Stella/Harry Al (just yeah...<3)
Stella/Her Parents
Cordy/Milla (so much <333)
Woobie/Pooka (For those of you just tuning in that would be Phoenix/Maia...I‘ll stop and take this moment to express my love for the entire Malfoy family)
Trevor/Pyxis (<3333)
Trevor/Severus (bounce Roo)
Trevor/Molly Lu
Trevor/“Miss” Lily
Xeno/Molly Lu
The Triplets/Neville
The Triplets/Tonks (<333)

And there are too many other amazing pairings that me and mine aren’t involved in for me to list. It quite literally would take all day. Oh and if I’ve forgotten anyone in my list I am sorry! And >_> I blame the meds! Besides...basically? I love you all!

13. What would you call your writing style?

Erm...I dunno? You tell me?

14. Do you read other people's fan fiction? If so, what do you find yourself reading the most?

I read almost everything in our comms.

15. Name one thing you'd love to write but have been too afraid or too shy to do.

I don’t think I’ve ever been too “afraid” to write something. If it got to the point where I was, it would mean I wasn’t comfortable with it and I would simply step away from it.

16. Do you feel uncomfortable taking criticism? Or worse, do you have the dreaded bloated ego?

I actually enjoy constructive criticism. I WANT to know what you think. I do not however have to take someone’s flaming, passive aggressive, blatant criticism in stride nor should I or anyone else be expected to.

17. When you write, is there anything that helps?


18. What inspires you?

There are an abundance of things that inspire me daily. Whether it be a song I hear or a conversation I have. I find inspiration through life in general.

19. Lastly, how would you sum up your fan fiction experiences and you as a writer?

I’m with the other two muns on this one...fandom eats my brain...in a good way!

20. Tag some friends, because they'll hate you for it.

meme, ooc

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